有名人とのコラボで話題になった、氷結のタイアップソング『Paradise Has No Border』がMouton Libraryに登場です! 2017年に東京スカパラダイスオーケストラが発表したオリジナル・アルバムに収録されている楽曲で、随所に印象的なフレーズが散りばめられたアップテンポでスタイリッシュなナンバーです。 ちなみに、スカバンドの「スカ」とは、ジャマイカ発祥のポピュラーミュージックのことを指し、2、4拍目を強調したリズムが特徴的な音楽のジャンルです。 かっこよくて楽しいスカパラワールドをお楽しみください!
"Paradise Has No Border," a tie-in song for Hyoketsu that features celebrity collaborations, is now available in the Mouton Library! This track, from TOKYO SKA PARADISE ORCHESTRA’s 2017 original album, is an up-tempo and stylish number filled with memorable phrases. Incidentally, “ska” refers to a genre of popular music that originated in Jamaica, characterized by its rhythmic emphasis on the second and fourth beats. Dive into the cool and exciting world of SKA PARA and enjoy the ride!
■Arrangement Details(explanation:Yuki Okuno)
Overall, the tension remains high throughout the piece, and the arrangement becomes increasingly exciting toward the second half. When performing with four saxophones, it’s a good idea to emphasize the beat and rhythm to bring out the “groove” of the music. While accuracy is important, it would be even cooler if you let go of any hesitation or shyness and play with full energy. Let’s give it our all! There are ad-lib solos for the alto and soprano saxophones in the middle of the piece—it’s your time to shine!