"Futari wa Pretty Cure: The Song that Inspired a Generation!" Since its debut in 2004, the TV anime Futari wa Precure quickly became an inspiration for young girls everywhere. Even today, the series continues to capture their hearts. The iconic opening theme of the original Precure, DANZEN! Futari wa Precure, is a song that many can still hum along to. With the tagline "Even girls want to go wild," this lively track perfectly embodies the bold and empowering world of Precure. Let’s unleash that energy with this first-ever Pretty Cure song, arranged for saxophone!
■Arrangement Details(explanation:Eiji Umeda)
"A Dynamic and Stylish Arrangement with Signature Rhythmic Hits!" This arrangement stays true to the original, featuring plenty of sharp rhythmic accents that give it a cool, energetic feel. In the second verse, you’ll find some tricky chord progressions, adding an extra layer of challenge. Each verse—first, second, and third—has its own unique character, which makes the performance even more fun. Experiment with these differences to bring out the full potential of the piece!