"With its Signature Pose 'Meh!,' 'Megumi no Hito' is Unforgettable!" Originally released in 1983 by the Japanese doo-wop group RATS & STAR, this single was their first release after renaming themselves from Chanels. Recently enjoying a resurgence in popularity, especially among middle and high school students, the song has had remarkable staying power, with Koda Kumi’s cover being a standout example. Incidentally, "Megumi" refers to one of the fire brigades from the Edo period, where the brigades were named in alphabetical order, with the "Me" group being especially famous. The song was also created as a campaign song for Shiseido cosmetics, which is why the lyrics emphasize "Me"("Me"means "eyes" in Japanese). With its infectious rhythm and upbeat tempo, it’s sure to get the crowd going! Enjoy this piece in a saxophone quartet!
■Arrangement Details(explanation:Ryo Magoewaki)
The catchy melody and snappy rhythm are the highlights of this piece, and I believe it can sound even cooler with a slight bounce in the 16th notes. Each instrument is given a solo, and the baritone saxophone, in particular, has a challenging solo that even includes a flageolet. However, you don’t have to play it exactly as written. Since the chords remain unchanged, it should be easy to adapt using pentatonic scales or other approaches. I hope you enjoy playing this piece!